Transfer of effective solutions that activates vitaly, equalizes opportunities and health-enhancing physical activities of persons with disability using paralympic sport Boccia Main goals:
  1. Transfer of effective solutions that activates vitaly, equalizes opportunities and health-enhancing physical activities of disabled using paralympic sport Boccia
  2. Increased participation in, and equal access to sport for all through:
  3. trainig specialists (instructors, referees, promoters of Boccia)
  4. obtaining and training volunteers for NGO and „ Animators of active life in people with disabilities”.in partner countries and also working to disabled people environment and local communities in individual countries.
  5. creating Boccia Teams in partner countries pursuing systematically integration Boccia classes for NGO and local communities.
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Преку оперативен грант од програмата на „СМАРТ БАЛКАН, Невладината организација, Х.З „Бравура Кооператива“ отпочна со имплементација на активности од првата фаза за јакнење на капацитетите

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